All posts by admin

How to give simple user permission in VMWare

  1. Login to ESXi host directly (Not vCenter)
  2. Go to Home > Administration > Roles
  3. Click on Add Role button.
  4. Give a Name and Check the appropriate Privilege. We usually check the following
  5. Go to Home > Inventory > Inventory > Local Users & Groups
  6. Right click in the white space and click Add.
  7. Enter a username and password and hit ok.
  8. Go to Permissions and right-click and Add Permission…
  9. Click Add… button under Users and Groups.
  10. Select user (student) and click Add again and hit ok.
  11. From Assigned Role drop-down menu select student and ok.
  12. In some cases you will need to hide certain VMs from the student for example the jumpbox or the admin VM because if they power it off accidentally they will kick them self out. So follow the steps below. Select the VM that you need to hide and go to Permissions tabs.
  13. Double click on the user in this case student and select No access and hit ok.

When you now login to vSphere with your student username and password you will not be able to see the admin vm/jumpbox and you will only have limitted access.

How to update IOS (XE) on 3850

Step 1: Download and copy the latest IOS (XE) to the 3850 flash via USB or TFTP.

Step 2: Check the mode (Install or Bundle) of the switch by entering following command:

Switch#show version | begin Switch Ports

The out put will be as below:

Note: If the Switch is not in INSTALL Mode it’s highly recommended to switch INSTALL mode from BUNDLE mode. Click here to find out how or enter the below commands:

# software expand running to flash:
(config)#boot system flash:packages.conf

Step 3: Enter the following command to start installing the new IOS using the new code on the flash

Switch#:software install file flash:<New_IOS_File_Name>.bin
Switch#:software install file flash:cat3k_caa-universalk9.SPA.03.03.00.SE.150-1.EZ.bin
Then following will be shown:

Step 4: enter yes and hit enter.


NOTE: Ran into some issue booting 3850. This might be helpful if your Catalyst 3850 Fails to Boot.

3850-access#show boot
Switch 1
Current Boot Variables:
BOOT variable = flash:packages.conf;

Boot Variables on next reload:
BOOT variable = flash:packages.conf
Allow Dev Key = yes
Manual Boot = yes
Enable Break = no

Notice it’s set to Manual Boot = yes

you need to change that to NO

#conf t

(config)#no boot manual


If this also doesn’t fix the boot issue refer the following blog post here.

How to Password Reset on ASA 5505

Step1: Reboot ASA

Step 2: Wait till the you can see following “Use BREAK or ESC to interrupt boot.”  and then hit the ESC key, works on MAC/Terminal as well. (see below)


Step 3: Then you should land in “rommon #0>”

Step 4: Change the confreg valu to 0x41 as it tells to ignore its saved (startup) configuration upon boot

rommon #2> confreg 0×41

Step 5: reboot

rommon #2> reboot

Step 6: After the reboot you need to change the confreg value back to 0x01 and reboot.

ciscoasa(config)# config-register 0x01
ciscoasa# reboot

How to Password Reset on Catalyst 3850

Here are the quick easy steps to recover your 3850 switch password.

1. ​Power cycle the switch, press and hold the Mode button. Hold the mode button for approx. 15-30 sec, the Status LED will go amber. On the console make sure you are in Boot Loader mode.

Switch: flash_init
Switch: boot


2. After switch boots up.

Switch# copy startup-config running-config
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# no system ignore startupconfig switch all
Switch(config)# exit
Switch# write

How to recover a Cisco Switch from Boot Loader

Today I had to update a 3560x but when I consoled into the switch it was at Boot Loader prompt (switch:) and I wasn’t sure so I tried to boot and this is what happened.

switch: boot
Loading "flash:/c3560e-universalk9-mz.122-53.SE2/c3560e-universalk9-mz.122-53.SE2.bin"...flash:/c3560e-universalk9-mz.122-53.SE2/c3560e-universalk9-mz.122-53.SE2.bin: no such file or directory

Error loading "flash:/c3560e-universalk9-mz.122-53.SE2/c3560e-universalk9-mz.122-53.SE2.bin"

Interrupt within 5 seconds to abort boot process.
Boot process failed...

The system is unable to boot automatically.  The BOOT
environment variable needs to be set to a bootable

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